Get Cozy with Clean Candles

As the days get shorter and the weather cooler we tend to hibernate indoors and be drawn to cozier things like blankets, hot drinks, slippers and candles. The Danes embrace this time of year as it offers perfect hygge moments. Hygge is about creating a warm and cozy atmosphere and experience. In Canada it’s the equivalent to hominess. As turning down the lights is a must, candles play a massive role in creating hygge. In fact, it’s the number one rule. Without them you’re not having a hygge moment.

no candles, no hygge
— Meik Wiking, The Little Book of Hygge: The Danish Way to Live Well

But depending on the type of candle you decide to burn, you could be creating a toxic environment – which isn’t very hygge. Everything from the wax to the wick to the fragrance itself can release harmful chemicals into the air. Most mass produced candles are made from paraffin, a petroleum by-product, and scented using fragrance, which is usually synthetic. When paraffin wax is burned it releases toxic compounds into the air including acetone, benzene and toluene, which are known carcinogens and are the same chemicals found in diesel fuel emissions. Gross right? Even worse, they release soot particles that can stay in the air for hours and enter our bodies. Not cool. Stay away from these, and any candles that use synthetic dyes or fragrances as they too emit their own concoction of chemicals into the air, even at room temperature. Finally, be sure the wick core is not metal – frequently zinc or tin – as they release small amounts of lead into the air.

Don’t worry, I promise you’ll still be able to create a hygge atmosphere at no expense to you or your visitors’ health. There are plenty of wonderful alternatives that are natural, plant-based and infused with essential oils. Look for ones that are made from beeswax, coconut and/or soy, organic and non-GMO whenever possible (especially soy). The wick should be 100% cotton or wood, and if there’s a scent it should come from essential oils, and nothing else.

Here are some of my favourite brands:

Woodlot – They use a combo of organic coconut and non-GMO soy wax and are scented with incredible essential oil blends; my personal favourite is Flora. I first discovered them in Montreal a few years ago. It took me ages to actually burn the candle I bought, as I didn’t want to “waste it”, instead I’d just smell it.

Fenwick Candles – Uses organic, non-GMO, coconut wax, cotton wicks and essential oils and I love the peppermint one. I stumbled upon Fenwick Candles in the washroom at Böehmer, a Toronto restaurant, and this is going to sound weird, but it smelled amazing in there. So much so that I HAD to ask what it was. Sure enough it was the peppermint candle!

Ellingwood Soap Company – They hand-pour their candles using soy wax from North America and essential oils. I usually buy the Evergreen one around the holiday season but their No. 1 is my go-to year-round. I met Anna and Michael, the husband and wife duo behind Ellingwood Soap Company, at the Craftadian Spring Market in Hamilton a couple years ago and have been buying their candles ever since.

Red Sky – Uses 100% organic soy wax and essential oils. I can’t live without the Palo Santo Sunrise one. Once, when they were sold out online, I called up all their stockists and trekked across town to pick one up. That’s how much I’m obsessed with it.

Honey Candles – formerly known as Bee Works, these candles are made from 100% beeswax and are not scented. I enjoy burning the tealights and use them instead of the traditional ones. You can find some beeswax candles scented with essential oils but I find the natural sweet smell of beeswax to be enough on its own. I have a holder that I buy refills for so there’s very little waste too.

Are you using clean, natural candles? If so, what are your favourites?